
NetrinreceptorDCC,alsoknownasDCC,orcolorectalcancersuppressorisaproteinwhichinhumansisencodedbytheDCCgene.Background·Structure·DCCasadependencereceptor·Roleincancer,TheDCCgeneprovidesinstructionsformakingaproteincalledthenetrin-1receptor,whichisinvolvedinthedevelopmentofthenervous ...,DCC(DCCNetrin1Receptor)isaProteinCodinggene.DiseasesassociatedwithDCCincludeMirrorMovements1andGazePalsy,Famil...

Netrin receptor DCC

Netrin receptor DCC, also known as DCC, or colorectal cancer suppressor is a protein which in humans is encoded by the DCC gene. Background · Structure · DCC as a dependence receptor · Role in cancer

DCC gene

The DCC gene provides instructions for making a protein called the netrin-1 receptor, which is involved in the development of the nervous ...

DCC Gene - GeneCards | DCC Protein

DCC (DCC Netrin 1 Receptor) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with DCC include Mirror Movements 1 and Gaze Palsy, Familial Horizontal, With ...

1630 - Gene ResultDCC DCC netrin 1 receptor [ (human)]

DCC is a putative conditional tumor-suppressor gene that is epigenetically inactivated by promoter hypermethylation in a majority of head-and- ...

Netrin receptor DCC - Homo sapiens (Human) | UniProtKB

Receptor for netrin required for axon guidance. Mediates axon attraction of neuronal growth cones in the developing nervous system upon ligand binding.

Entry - *120470 - DCC NETRIN 1 RECEPTOR

The DCC gene encodes a functional receptor for netrin (NTN1; 601614) and mediates axon outgrowth and the steering response.

Role of the dependence receptor DCC in colorectal cancer ...

More than a decade ago, the DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer) gene was proposed as a putative tumor suppressor gene.

Dcc MGI Mouse Gene Detail - MGI:94869

Homozygous animals show defects in axonal projections and hypothalamic development affecting both visual and neruoendocrine systems.

[PDF] DCC gene

The DCC gene provides instructions for making a protein called the netrin-1 receptor, which is involved in the development of the nervous ...